News and Awards: Keep Up-to-Date with CuneXus
Want to keep up with the latest and greatest at CuneXus? Look no further. Product updates, partnership announcements, news and award recognitions live here. Check back often to see what the team behind our digital storefront is cooking up next.
Get in on the 2021 Growth
4.5 MILLION consumers gained access to CuneXus technology through their financial institution in the first three quarters of 2021 alone. If your account holders are not part of the 21 MILLION (and growing!) across the US experiencing Perpetual Lending, there’s still time…
It’s Time to End the Member Journey
A member on a journey is anyone’s customer. Read the Finopotamus article from our own Barry Kirby on how your credit union can eliminate the member journey all together and proactively serve them with the financial support they need rather than prompting them to find it.
Origence, CuneXus Partnership Gives Credit Unions Access to Digital Storefront
BIG NEWS! CuneXus is pleased to announce its latest integration partnership with Origence, a CU Direct brand! 1,100 more credit unions can now provide their members with the timely, personalized, perpetual lending experience that is expected.
2021 Tekkie Award for Lending: Nuvision Federal Credit Union
Congratulations to NuVision Federal Credit Union on their 2021 Tekkie Award for Lending! Learn how the CuneXus On-Demand Digital Storefront helped Nuvision create an award-winning digital experience.
Digital Push Leads to Lifts in Lending, Engagement
Read how client Harborstone Credit Union uses CuneXus and partner Pulsate as their Digital Push that Lead to Lifts in Lending and Engagement in the Credit Union Times
New Client Launch: First Look (UPDATE)
UPDATE! We checked back 6 weeks later to find results have more than tripled! Our client is 2/3 of the way into their first perpetual lending campaign with 2,688 new loans totaling $46 million in loan volume!