As a financial institution, your account holders expect you to know them, understand their needs, and be on their side. That means a preapproved offer can fall flat if its marketing targets the wrong person, the wrong purpose or the wrong terms. Learn how to create prescreen marketing campaigns that are relevant for consumers and that make it easy for them to understand and accept your one-click loans. This valuable insight guide, co-created by TransUnion and CuneXus, shares best practices for marketing your loan campaigns in the digital storefront.

Let the Data Do the WORK

Make sure you’re leveraging the right data from your data partner. 

Keep Offers Fresh

Use technology and automation to renew your digital storefront campaigns. 


Employ more insightful credit attributes to personalize your one-click offers. 

Make It Frictionless

That means staying simple but specific, so consumers can accept your offer in less than 30 seconds. 

Add a Sense of Urgency

Clearly identify motivating benefits for the consumer. 

Convenience and authenticity are driving consumer expectations more than ever. Credit unions can keep pace with the evolving demands of today’s digital consumer by embracing automation and advanced data analytics to optimize speed, personalization, and transparency.

Dave Buerger, Co-Founder and President, CuneXus

Ready to start creating highly effective prescreen marketing campaigns?